How to download your UPSC Exam hall ticket 2023

UPSC Exam: To download your UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) hall ticket, follow these steps

  1. Visit the Official Website: Go to the official UPSC website by typing “” in your web browser’s address bar and press Enter.
  2. Find Admit Card/Hall Ticket Section: Look for a section on the website related to “Admit Card” or “Hall Ticket.” This section might be prominently displayed on the homepage or under the “Examination” or “Candidate’s Corner” tab.
  3. Choose the Examination: In the Admit Card/Hall Ticket section, you will see a list of ongoing or upcoming UPSC examinations. Select the examination for which you want to download the hall ticket.
  4. Login to Your Account: You will need to log in using your registration ID/roll number and password. If you don’t have an account on the UPSC website, you might need to create one.
  5. Download Admit Card: After logging in, you should see an option to download your hall ticket. Click on that link.
  6. Check Details: Review the details on your hall ticket, including your name, photograph, examination center, date, and time. Make sure all the information is accurate.
  7. Print and Save: Once you have verified the details, click on the “Print” button to save a copy of your hall ticket. Printing a physical copy and saving an electronic copy on your computer or smartphone is a good idea.
  8. Read Instructions: Along with the hall ticket, there might be specific instructions or guidelines for the examination day. Make sure you read and understand these instructions thoroughly.
  9. Check for Updates: Sometimes, there might be last-minute changes or updates to the examination schedule or venue. It’s a good practice to check the UPSC website or your registered email for any such updates.

Remember, the process might vary slightly based on the specific examination and any updates to the UPSC website’s interface. If you encounter any difficulties or have questions, it’s best to refer to the official UPSC website or contact their helpline for assistance.

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