MPSC – How To download an admit card from the MPSC website 2023

To download an admit card from the MPSC (Maharashtra Public Service Commission) website, follow these steps:

Table of Contents

MPSC Exam Admit Card

  1. Visit the Official Website: Open your web browser and go to the official website of MPSC. The official website URL is typically
  2. Navigate to Admit Card Section: Look for a section on the website that is dedicated to “Admit Cards” or “Hall Tickets.” This section may be labeled differently, but it should be related to upcoming exams and their admit cards.
  3. Login or Registration: You might need to log in to your existing account on the MPSC website. If you don’t have an account, you might need to create one by providing your necessary details like name, email, and contact number.
  4. Search for the Exam: In the Admit Card section, search for the specific exam for which you want to download the admit card. There might be a list of ongoing or upcoming exams. Click on the relevant link.
  5. Download Admit Card: Once you have found the correct exam, there should be an option to download the admit card. Click on the download link or button. Your admit card will likely be in PDF format.
  6. Check Admit Card Details: After downloading the admit card, open the PDF and carefully review the details mentioned on it. Ensure that your name, photograph, signature, exam date, time, venue, and other relevant information are accurate.
  7. Print Admit Card: Once you have verified the details, print a copy of the admit card. It’s advisable to keep multiple copies in case one gets misplaced.
  8. Instructions: The admit card may also contain important instructions or guidelines for the exam day. Make sure you read and understand them.
  9. Additional Documents: Along with the printed admit card, it’s a good idea to carry a valid photo ID (such as Aadhar card, passport, driver’s license, etc.) to the exam center.

Remember that these steps are based on the general process followed by most government exam websites. The exact steps may vary slightly depending on any changes to the MPSC website’s design or functionality. If you encounter any difficulties or have questions, it’s best to refer to the official instructions provided by MPSC or contact their helpline for assistance.

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